Comprehensive Eye Exams

Comprehensive Eye Exams in Colorado Springs, CO

Our Services offered — Vision Exams In Colorado, CO
Eye Exam — Vision Exams In Colorado, CO

Comprehensive Eye Exams

The most common eye exam we perform is the Comprehensive Eye Exam.

In a Comprehensive Eye exam the doctor examines both the vision and the eye health of a patient. We recommend most patients have a Comprehensive Eye Exam once a year to check their vision and eye health.

Adults in good health with good vision can often go two years between eye exams. Some patients with medical conditions affecting the eyes need eye exams every six months.
A doctor performing eye exams in Colorado Springs, CO
At Eagle Eyes Vision Center, we recognize the critical importance of eye exams for our patients in Colorado Springs, CO. We perform the Comprehensive Eye Exam, one of the most regular eye exams, which allows us to assess vision and eye health.

We recommend that most patients have an eye exam once a year to ensure optimal vision and eye health. However, we recognize that certain patients may require more frequent exams based on medical conditions affecting the eyes.
Optometrist In White — Vision Exams In Colorado, CO


During a comprehensive eye exam, we perform a thorough check of the patient's vision. Since vision often changes gradually, sometimes patients don’t notice that their vision has been getting worse. An updated prescription can reduce eye strain and help patients use their eyes more easily and with more comfort. In addition to prescribing single vision glasses, our doctors are experts on bifocal and progressive lenses and contact lenses.

Dr. Roark and Dr. Parker are experts in prescribing vision correction and are focused on providing the best possible eye care to their patients. Our clinic offers top tier frames, eyeglass lenses and contact lenses as well as a whole range of options to fit every budget.
Optometrist In White — Vision Exams In Colorado, CO

Why Should You Get Regular Eye Exams?

Regular eye exams are essential for many reasons. One of the most important reasons is that vision changes can occur gradually, and patients may not always notice this gradual decline. An updated prescription can significantly reduce eye strain and discomfort and help patients easily use their eyes.

Moreover, regular eye exams can help detect eye diseases or conditions that may not exhibit symptoms until they have already progressed. Early detection is critical to treat and manage eye conditions effectively.

Common eye conditions that we screen for during a Comprehensive Eye Exam include glaucoma, macular degeneration, cataracts, and diabetic retinopathy. Early detection and treatment can help prevent vision loss or even blindness.

Additionally, eye exams are crucial for children and adolescents. Detecting vision problems early can help prevent learning difficulties and developmental delays in children. Our clinic provides customized eye exams for children to ensure that their vision is developing appropriately.
Woman holding an eyeglass — Vision Exams In Colorado, CO


Even if a person is seeing clearly, it is important to have a regular eye exam with an optometrist. There are eye diseases and conditions that a patient may not notice on their own until their vision is permanently affected. A patient’s retina can be damaged without the patient noticing any symptoms in their vision. Early intervention is key in preventing vision loss from retinopathy, macular degeneration, and glaucoma. In a comprehensive exam, our eye doctors perform a thorough ocular health check. If additional testing is necessary, we have visual field and glaucoma diagnosis testing equipment available. Our doctors work closely with local ophthalmologists to help patients receive the best and most appropriate care possible and provide referrals to patients who need ocular surgeries.
Woman holding an eyeglass — Vision Exams In Colorado, CO

Why Choose Eagle Eyes Vision Center?

At Eagle Eyes Vision Center, our doctors are experts in prescribing vision correction, including bifocal and progressive lenses and contact lenses. We offer a wide range of options to fit every budget. Our clinic also provides top-tier frames and eyeglass lenses, ensuring that our patients have access to the latest technology and styles.

Pediatric Eye Exams

It is especially important for children and adolescents to have regular eye exams. As a child grows, changes in the shape of their eye can cause changes in their vision more quickly than in adults. Young children may be unable to recognize or communicate that they are seeing poorly. A large part of the testing and teaching in today's schools is presented to students visually, so correcting a child's vision is very important. Because children's eyes a very flexible, a child who is seeing poorly may still be able to overfocus and see clearly, but will be straining and tiring their eyes. A child with eye strain and discomfort will not be able to read or stay focused for as long as they would if they had appropriate prescription eyewear correcting their vision. A student who is having to focus on seeing can't focus as well on learning.
Contact us today to schedule your eye exam in Colorado Springs, CO.
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